
This website provides an overview of the following:

The European Qualifications Framework
The European Skills, Competences and Occupations
The Non-formal and Informal Learning system
The European Quality Assurance System for Vocational Education & Training
The European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training The Portal on Learning Opportunities Throughout the European Space is an online platform providing information on courses and qualifications throughout Europe.

Euroguidance Network is a network of careers guidance professionals from over 30 countries supported by the European Commission. The UK Euroguidance centre is Aspire-international

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System a system that makes it easier for higher education students to have their studies recognised and transferred when they move between countries to complete their qualifications.

The European Employment Service is a European employment and job matching service formed through cooperation of public employment services across Europe.

The ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe is a multilingual open membership community designed for use by teachers, trainers, researchers, academics and policy makers. The EPALE UK National Support Service is coordinated by Ecorys.

Eurydice is a network whose task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. The Eurydice unit for England, Wales and Northern Ireland is based at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and the Eurydice unit for Scotland is based at the Scottish Government.